Ep. 83 - How To Get A Coding Job (Charles Max Wood)

CodeNewbie Podcast

One of the most popular questions for Newbies is, “How do you get a coding job?” In this episode, we talk with Chuck, podcaster of several very popular tech shows, on the journey of not just coding but landing a coding job.

As a podcaster of several very popular tech shows, Chuck gets questions from listeners all the time. One of the most popular questions he gets is one that you might also be asking, “How do you get a coding job?” In this episode, we dive into the journey of not just coding but landing a coding job, the pitfalls along the way, and how a code newbie can increase their chances of getting an offer.

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Charles Max Wood

Chuck is a developer and podcaster. He's host of popular tech podcasts including Javascript Jabber, Ruby Rogues, Adventures in Angular, and iPhreaks Show.

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