Episode 49: Sitemaps, SEO, and Nuxt with Alexander Lichter

Enjoy the Vue

Nuxt.js is an intuitive Vue framework that promises a powerful yet simple web building experience. Today we speak with developer and Nuxt enthusiast Alexander Lichter about why you should consider developing in Nuxt. We open the episode by exploring Alex’s background and role as a Nuxt maintainer. We then dive into Nuxt’s top features and the tech stack that Alex prefers using. After talking about the benefits of using Tailwind CSS and sharing Tailwind best practices, we begin a discussion on SEO, including what it is and why good SEO prioritizes the user experience. In the second part of this episode, we look deeply into why Nuxt is great for your SEO. Alex then explains static and dynamic site rendering before touching on how he uses blogs and speaking engagements to problem-solve for the Nuxt community. We leverage Alex’s expertise as he answers a series of frequently asked Nuxt questions. For many Vue developers, Nuxt.js helps them create better websites — and more quickly. Tune in to hear Alex’s insights on why Nuxt might be the right framework for you.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Alex shares details about his web development journey.
  • Hear about Nuxt.js and how it fits into the Vue ecosystem.
  • The tech stack that Alex likes to use.
  • Why Alex uses Tailwind CSS, despite other people’s skepticism.
  • Alex answers questions about using Tailwind CSS.
  • Exploring SEO and how it’s best integrated within your website.
  • How your sitemap can impact your SEO.
  • Why using Nuxt.js is so good for your SEO.
  • Dynamic versus static server-side rendering.
  • Alex talks about how he uses speaking to problem-solve for the Nuxt community.
  • Answering Nuxt frequently asked questions.
  • Common ‘gotchas’ that challenge Nuxt beginners.
  • From productivity tips to microphone stands, hear our top picks for the week.


  • “Because it’s configurable and flexible, Tailwind gives you many options to enforce style guidelines — it also gives you a mini-design system to simplify your work.” — @TheAlexLichter [0:08:55]
  • “SEO isn’t rocket science. It's how you optimize your pages for the user. Though it's called search engine optimization, the user is actually the focus.” — @TheAlexLichter [0:19:16]
  • “If a newer version of something is coming out and you want to get things done, then just go ahead and start. You can always switch later.” — @TheAlexLichter [0:34:41]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Special Guest: Alexander Lichter.

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