Derrick Reimer on SPA architecture with Elm and GraphQL

Frontend First

Derrick Reimer joins Sam and Ryan to chat about building his new real-time chat product Level as an SPA using Elm, Phoenix and GraphQL. He covers domain modeling in Phoenix, his experience building his first GraphQL API, type safety in Elm, and the data fetching patterns he's using to support his application's real-time functionality.

Derrick Reimer joins Sam and Ryan to chat about building his new real-time chat product Level as an SPA using Elm, Phoenix and GraphQL. He covers domain modeling in Phoenix, his experience building his first GraphQL API, type safety in Elm, and the data fetching patterns he's using to support his application's real-time functionality.

Topics include:

  • 2:01 – What is Level? What tech stack are you using to build it?
  • 14:34 – Building the GraphQL API with Phoenix and Absinthe
  • 37:40 – Building the frontend with Elm


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