Introducing: Frontend First

Frontend First

Sam and Ryan kick off the first episode of Frontend First by doing what they do best – talking about frontend development! They chat about a variety of topics including how their use of Tailwind has lead to a better understanding of CSS, as well as whether they regret using Gatsby to buid six months since the site's release.

Topics include:

  • 5:30 - Gatsby, six months later
  • 8:10 - Mirage REPL
  • 11:50 - Next Link
  • 15:10 - Render props vs. Hooks
  • 24:05 - Vercel
  • 27:47 - Twin.macro
  • 38:50 - Learning CSS grid through Tailwind
  • 48:59 - Node deps, devDeps, and peerDeps


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