Server-side state means global resource identity

Frontend First

Sam and Ryan chat about building a Vue app with Mirage, and how quickly they ran into a need for a global resource store. They also talk about their recent work on Mirage JS and discuss an Ember NYC talk about how compilers enable abstractions.

Topics include:

- 0:00 – Dealing with asynchrony and persistence in Vue

- 8:56 – Thoughts on Vue's APIs, and how they compare with React and Ember

- 22:20 – "Magic" in UI frameworks vs. server-side frameworks

- 27:17 – Build work in Mirage JS, and a new passthrough API

- 38:26 - How opinionated should project documentation be?

- 50:40 - Edward Faulkner's talk on compilers, abstractions, ES modules, and Embroider


- [Next Release](, mention EmberMap when you sign up for a trial and get 10% off


- [Mirage JS at ReactNYC S3:E8, Nov 7](

- [Mirage JS](

- [Ember NYC September 2019 - Octane, Blockchain & Concurrency, Compiling Ember](

- [Sam Selikoff on Twitter](

- [Ryan Toronto on Twitter](

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