29: Mark Otto - Bootstrap 4 and CSS architecture at scale
In this episode, Adam talks to Mark Otto, creator of Bootstrap and director of design at GitHub.
They talk about the brand new alpha release of Bootstrap 4 and some of the most significant changes. They also talk about choosing units, when to use utility classes and the importance of a component-based CSS strategy.
This episode is brought to you by Laracasts.
- Mark's blog
- Bootstrap 4
- CSS Stats
- Parker, CSS analysis tool
- Code Guide, Mark's HTML and CSS standards
- WTF, HTML and CSS?, Mark's collection of useful front-end gotchas
- BassCSS
- Tachyons
- About HTML Semantics and Front-End Architecture by Nicholas Gallagher
- "Medium's CSS is actually pretty f***ing good." by @fat
- GitHub Primer
- Sponsored by Laracasts