83: DHH - Stimulus in Practice + On Writing Software Well
In this episode, Adam talks to David Heinemeier Hansson about Basecamp's new JavaScript framework "Stimulus" as well as David's new YouTube series "On Writing Software Well.
Topics include:
- What JavaScript looked like at Basecamp before Stimulus
- Why Basecamp chose to create a new framework instead of using React, Angular, or Vue
- How Basecamp uses server-rendered partials instead client-side templates
- Why David decided to start "On Writing Software Well"
- Evaluating patterns in practice and choosing between conflicting approaches
- Using concerns/mixins to organize classes with many features
- Applying resourceful routing to singular resources
- Rollbar, sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio to try their Bootstrap Plan free for 90 days
- Codeship, check out how they performed in Forrester's latest Continuous Integration Tools report
- Stimulus Homepage
- Stimulus on GitHub
- David's blog post introducing Stimulus
- Turbolinks
- Webpacker
- "Server-generated JavaScript Responses (SJR)" (2013)
- respondto, returning multiple formats from the same Rails controller
- "On Writing Software Well"
- <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXaC0YvDgIo&list=PL9wALaIpe0Py6EoHCgTrD6FvFETwJLlx&index=1">1: Removing the need for code comments
- 2: Using callbacks to manage auxiliary complexity
- 3: Using globals when the price is right
- 4: Not every model is backed by a database
- 5: Testing without test damage or excessive isolation
- Basecamp's "Getting Real" YouTube channel