41: Be Super with TypeScript and Jared Palmer. On the when, where, what, why, and how much of TypeScript in React.
Typescript. What is it? How does it help you write better code? Will it help you sleep better at night?Jared is a lead engineer at The Palmer Group, a strategy, design, and engineering firm.There he uses TypeScript every day to keep code sturdy and maintainable.Chantastic asks Jared what we need to know to get a little TypeScript into our apps.They discuss the joys and pains of Typescript in 2019 and how it compares to languages like Reason, Ocaml, Fable, and Elm.
Typescript. What is it? How does it help you write better code? Will it help you sleep better at night?
Jared is a lead engineer at The Palmer Group, a strategy, design, and engineering firm.
There he uses TypeScript every day to keep code sturdy and maintainable.
Chantastic asks Jared what we need to know to get a little TypeScript into our apps.
They discuss the joys and pains of Typescript in 2019 and how it compares to languages like Reason, Ocaml, Fable, and Elm.
Notes & Links
- TypeScript
- Moving To React Suspense - Jared Palmer - React Conf 2018
- npm and the future of JavaScript - Laurie Voss - JSConf US 2018
- The State of the Octoverse: top programming languages of 2018
- flow
- Build Your Own Formik Using React Hooks with Jared Palmer (*egghead membership required)
- @babel/preset-typescript
- Realytics/fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin
- Adding TypeScript to Create React App
- TypeStrong/ts-loader
- s-panferov/awesome-typescript-loader
- rollup-plugin-typescript2
- [RFC] Migrate Jest to TypeScript
- tsdx — Zero-config TypeScript package development
- Deno — A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript built with V8, Rust, and Tokio
- Reason — Reason lets you write simple, fast and quality type safe code while leveraging both the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems.
- Ocaml — OCaml is an industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-oriented styles
- Fable — The compiler that emits JavaScript you can be proud of!
- elm — A delightful language for reliable webapps. Generate JavaScript with great performance and no runtime exceptions.
- Swagger
- Swagger Codegen
- Palantir Technologies — All the TypeScript projects
- Shopify Polaris — Our design system helps us work together to build a great experience for all of Shopify’s merchants.
Linode : Instantly deploy and manage an SSD server in the Linode Cloud. Get a server running in seconds with your choice of Linux distro, resources, and node location.
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