330: Aaron Gustafson on WASP and PWAs
Aaron Gustafson is here to help us wrap our heads around the web standards project (WaSP), the W3C, and how it all relates to progressive web apps (PWA) and progressive enhancement. We talk about how standards come to be, how a PWA differs from a web view, why a company might choose Electron, and what the future is for PWA sites. Be sure to listen to the end for an internship opportunity with Aaron!
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Aaron Gustafson is here to help us wrap our heads around the web standards project (WaSP), the W3C, and how it all relates to progressive web apps (PWA) and progressive enhancement. We talk about how standards come to be, how a PWA differs from a web view, why a company might choose Electron, and what the future is for PWA sites. Be sure to listen to the end for an internship opportunity with Aaron!
- Aaron Gustafson on A List Apart
- A Short History of WASP
- Gatsby
- Going Offline by Jeremy Keith
- Dean Hume
- Pinafore
- Conversational Semantics
- AdaptiveWebDesign.info