407: Building Browser Features with Brian Kardell

ShopTalk Show

Brian Kardell talks with us about how new features get into browsers and the fun and challenging journey it takes to get there.

Show Description

Brian Kardell talks with us about how new features get into browsers and the fun and challenging journey it takes to get there.

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Brian Kardell

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Developer Advocate at Igalia | Co-author Extensible Web Manifesto | Standards Dude (Open JSF AC)




Jetpack adds loads of features your self-hosted WordPress site, with the overall theme of bringing the power of WordPress.com servers to your servers. Flip on an image CDN. Flip on site backups. Flip on Markdown. Flip on security scanning. Flip on more powerful search. And so much more.

AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a suite of tools that enables you to build full stack serverless and cloud-based web and mobile apps using your framework or technology of choice on the front end.

Using Amplify you can quickly get up and running with things like hosting, authentication, GraphQL, serverless functions, APIs, machine learning, & file storage.

Amplify is built especially in a way to enable traditionally front-end developers to be successful because they can use their existing skillset to build real-world full stack apps that in the past would require deep knowledge around back end, dev ops, and scalable infrastructure.

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