702: New + Proposed JS APIs for 2024
In this episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott talk through new and proposed JavaScript APIs including ones related to regex, sourcemaps, structured clone, temporal, JSON modules, and more!
Show Notes- 00:10 Welcome
- 01:26 Syntax Brought to you by Sentry
- 02:55 RegExp Escaping Proposal
- tc39/proposal-regex-escaping: Proposal for investigating RegExp escaping for the ECMAScript standard
- 05:25 Intl.DurationFormat
- tc39/proposal-intl-duration-format
- 07:55 Standardized Sourcemaps
- tc39/source-map-rfc: RFCs for the source map debug format.
- 10:43 Structured Clone
- structuredClone() global function - Web APIs | MDN
- 12:54 Temporal
- Hasty Treat - Temporal Date Objects in JavaScript
- Tracking issue for syncing with IETF standardization work (req’d before implementers can ship unflagged) · Issue #1450 · tc39/proposal-temporal
- 20:59 FindLast and findLastIndex
- tc39/proposal-array-find-from-last: Proposal for Array.prototype.findLast and Array.prototype.findLastIndex.
- 22:27 JSON modules
- tc39/proposal-json-modules: Proposal to import JSON files as modules
- 24:46 Regex Modifiers
- RegExp Modifiers - June 2022.pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint Online
- 26:50 Array Grouping
- tc39/proposal-array-grouping: A proposal to make grouping of array items easier
- 30:48 Array Methods
- tc39/proposal-change-array-by-copy: Provides additional methods on Array.prototype and TypedArray.prototype to enable changes on the array by returning a new copy of it with the change.
- 6 or so New Approved and Proposed JavaScript APIs
- 32:12 Promise.withResolvers
- 35:08 Function.prototype.memo
- tc39/proposal-function-memo: A TC39 proposal for function memoization in the JavaScript language.
- 37:48 Node has a Proposed ESM Detection flag
- 39:54 Node has navigator.userAgent
- 41:29 Built in .env support
- 42:52 Permissions model & test runner continues to be worked on
- 44:06 HTML Web charts
- Proposal: Web Charts · Issue #9295 · whatwg/html
- 45:39 autopause
- Add autopause attribute to media elements to allow automatic pausing of media · Issue #9793 · whatwg/html
- 46:30 Meta Tag for AI generated content
- Proposal: Meta Tag for AI Generated Content · Issue #9479 · whatwg/html
- Schema.org - Schema.org
- Syntax × Sentry Swag Store – Syntax × Sentry Shop
- Syntax - A Tasty Treats Podcast for Web Developers.
- 50:13 Poster frame
- HTML Video Element: Proposal for adding [srcset] + [posterset] + [sizes] on video element as well [posterset] on source elements · Issue #9812 · whatwg/html
- 50:57 Popover invoker
- Popover does not know what triggered it · Issue #9111 · whatwg/html
- 51:25 Autocomplete on ‘contenteditable’ Elements
- Autocomplete on ‘contenteditable’ Elements · Issue #9065 · whatwg/html
- 52:17 Sick Picks
- Scott: Escaping Twin Flames cult documentary
- Wes: Lao Gan Ma spicy Chili Oil
- Scott: Sentry
- Wes: Wes Bos Courses
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