Our favourite Productivity Hacks 🔥


Scott and Wes - Do you sleep? How do you get so much done? You replied to me way too fast! We share our best productivity hot tips and the apps we use the GSD.

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Follow us on twitter! Show Notes Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know

Sorry windows users.

  • ⌘ + Tab switch between apps
  • Press q to quit an app from this place
  • ⌘ + Backtick to switch between multiple windows of an app
  • ⌘ + T for a new tab
  • ⌘ + Shift + T to reopen a closed tab
  • Crank up Key Repeat in your keyboard setting
  • Option + ←/→ to move word-by-word
  • Add Shift to select those itesm
  • ⌘+option+Arrow to switch tabs
  • ⌘ + Number to go to that tab #
  • Enable tabbing on OSX dialog Boxes
  • Press question mark in any google app to get a list of shortcuts
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