Travis Neilson on Skills Gap, Design, Focus and Working at Google
In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk to Travis Neilson about his career at Google, the challenges he faced, how to choose projects tips for devs wanting to get better at design, and more.
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Show Notes2:43 - Career path
- On ambitions and where it all started
23:15 - Being all in
- On how to choose your next project
33:31 - Working at Google
- On the day-to-day at Google, the challenges of a big team, and constraints
43:23 - Design tips for developers
- Advice for devs who want to get better at design but are struggling
- Thoughts on CSS frameworks
- The one thing devs often get wrong about design
- Travis Neilson’s Website
- Travis Neilson’s Podcasts
- Helvetica — Gary Hustwit
- How one typeface took over movie posters
- Just My Type: A Book About Fonts
- Work-Life Balance is a Joke
- Travis: Cults and Extreme Belief and Google Method Podcast
- Scott: Sony Noise Canceling Headphones WH1000XM3
- Wes: Little People Big Dreams Book Series
- Scott’s Instagram
- LevelUpTutorials Instagram
- Wes’ Instagram
- Wes’ Twitter
- Wes’ Facebook
- Scott’s Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets