Useful Vim commands, bad first ideas, PETS config manager, Kaizen shirts for sale & infinite canvas tools

The Changelog

Colin Bartlett’s 50 useful Vim commands, Jeremey Utley on why your first ideas aren’t always the best, Emanuele Rocca’s pets configuration management project, our Kaizen shirts are now on sale & Arun Venkatesen makes a microsite for infinite canvas tools.

Colin Bartlett’s 50 useful Vim commands, Jeremey Utley on why your first ideas aren’t always the best, Emanuele Rocca’s pets configuration management project, our Kaizen shirts are now on sale & Arun Venkatesen makes a microsite for infinite canvas tools.

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Show Notes:

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!


(00:00) - Hello, fellow nerds!
(00:58) - 50 useful Vim commands
(01:40) - pets config management
(03:08) - First ideas aren't always the best
(04:30) - Kaizen shirts now on sale!
(05:20) - Infinite Canvas Tools
(06:20) - Outro

Audio Player
