7: Color Part 2 - Perception

The CSS Podcast

Explore perceptual, human-centered, color in this episode as we review latest specs, latest syntaxes, theories and strategies for color on the web in 2020.

Explore perceptual, human-centered, color in this episode as we review latest specs, latest syntaxes, theories and strategies for color on the web in 2020.


Spec CSS color level-4 → https://goo.gle/3cFCaDr

Draft Spec CSS color level-5 → https://goo.gle/3cL4CUF

How Color Gamut & Display Technology Can Affect Your Content → https://goo.gle/3eIH5p3

WICG Contrast Ratio → https://goo.gle/2XWxZyZ

Lea Verou LCH color picker→ https://goo.gle/2VvVopn

Webkit Working on Color Level 4 → https://goo.gle/353yf0D

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