51: Atomic Design
Brad Frost (@brad_frost), web designer astronaut & creator of Atomic Design, talks with us about how we can better componentize our Front End Development with small composable parts using Atomic Design.
Atomic Design - http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/atomic-web-design/
Atomic Design Book Preorder - http://shop.bradfrost.com/products/atomic-design-ebook
Atomic Design Book on Github - https://github.com/bradfrost/atomic-design
PHP pattern lab - https://github.com/bradfrost/patternlab
Atomic Design Patterns - https://github.com/Atomic-Design/patterns
Nuclide - https://github.com/jkymarsh/nuclide
Node Pattern Lab - https://github.com/bmuenzenmeyer/patternlab
Pattern Lab on the web - http://patternlab.io/
This is Responsive - http://bradfrost.github.io/this-is-responsive/
Styleguides.io - http://styleguides.io/
WTF Mobile - http://wtfmobileweb.com/
Atomic Design at Webdagene https://vimeo.com/109130093
Styleguide Generators - https://github.com/davidhund/styleguide-generators
Ian Feather on their Styleguide -http://ianfeather.co.uk/a-maintainable-style-guide/
Styleguides.io Podcast - http://styleguides.io/podcasts.html
Erik Isaksen (@eisaksen) - Chrome HTML5 Google Developer Expert
Justin Ribeiro (@justinribeiro) - Wearables & Chrome HTML5 Google Developer Expert