182 โ Michael Prentice ๐ DevFest Florida 2019
Michael Prentice is a senior software engineer with experience in Angular, Material Design, Firebase, Google Cloud, NodeJS, software architecture, and...
Michael Prentice is a senior software engineer with experience in Angular, Material Design, Firebase, Google Cloud, NodeJS, software architecture, and Agile project management. He founded GDG Space Coast and DevIntent. He is part of the Angular team where he leads the AngularJS Material project.
Talk: Composing Accessible UI’s With Angular Material Components
Angular Material provides core components and a Component Dev Kit. However, it’s up to developers to integrate the various core components when creating an application. The docs are focused on individual components (behaviors, APIs, etc). In this talk, we’ll dig deep into the code with concrete, real-world examples of how to compose a quality, accessible user experience with Angular Material.
- DevFest: https://devfestflorida.org/speakers/michael_prentice
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/splaktar
- FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Splaktar
- GitHub: https://github.com/Splaktar
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaellprentice/
- Website: https://blog.devintent.com/