Episode 206: A Little Diddy About A Griddy With Tanner Linsley

Web Rush

Tanner Linsley talks about writing open source software at TanStack, including TanStack Table, and answers our questions about data grid functionality, why reach for a grid, and why should developers consider headless?

Recording date: 09/29/2022

John Papa [@John_Papa](https://twitter.com/john_papa)

Ward Bell [@WardBell](https://twitter.com/WardBell)

Dan Wahlin [@DanWahlin](https://twitter.com/danwahlin)

Craig Shoemaker [@craigshoemaker](https://twitter.com/craigshoemaker)

Tanner Linsley [@TannerLinsley](https://twitter.com/tannerlinsley)

## Brought to you by

* AG Grid


* IdeaBlade

## Resources:

* [TanStack](https://tanstack.com/)

* [TanStack Table on github](https://github.com/TanStack/table)

* [Tanner Linsley’s conference presentation 5 Years of Building React Table at React Summit 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4IWJcafX8c)

* [Ag-Grid](https://www.ag-grid.com/)

* [Nozzle](https://www.nozzle.ai/ )

* [Memoization in Javascript and React](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/memoization-in-javascript-and-react )

## Timejumps

* **[01:18](#t=01:18)** Guest introduction

* **[02:59](#t=02:59)** What functionality does a data grid give you?

* **[08:13](#t=08:13)** Sponsor: Ag Grid

* **[09:17](#t=09:17)** What are people using grids for?

* **[16:22](#t=16:22)** How do you differ from Ag Grid?

* **[29:02](#t=29:02)** How do you decide which grid to use?

* **[34:54](#t=34:54)** Do you work with other libraries besides React?

* **[36:27](#t=36:27)** Virtualization

* **[39:42](#t=39:42)** Sponsor: IdeaBlade

* **[40:34](#t=40:34)** Why would you want to use headless?

* **[42:52](#t=42:52)** Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by [Chris Enns of Lemon Productions](https://lemonproductions.ca/).

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