Episode 227: Browser APIs you May Not Know About with Sasha Shynkevich
Sasha Shynkevich chats with us about browser APIs that you may have missed, such as vibration, tabs, broadcast channel, MIDI, and more!
const podcast = { episode: 227, title: 'Browser APIs you May Not Know Abou', topics: [ 'API', 'browser', 'development' ], guest: 'namei' hosts: [ 'Craig Shoemaker', 'Dan Wahlin' ]};
Recording date: March 16, 2023
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Sasha Shynkevich @neesoglasnaja
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Visit nx.dev to get the preeminent open-source toolkit for monorepo development, today.
- MDN Web Docs
- Vibration API
- Can I Use
- Polyfills
- Chromium Browsers
- Contact Manager API
- Contact Picker API
- Drag and Drop API
- Intersection Observer API
- Beacon API
- Broadcast Channel API
- Tabs API
- LocalStorage API
- Barcode API
- Presentation API
- Full screen API
- Picture-in-Picture API
- Clipboard API
- Gamepad API
- Sensor API
- Geolocation API
- Bluetooth device API
- HTML Sanitizer API
- IndexedDB API
- 00:34 Welcome
- 01:41 Guest introduction
- 02:46 Which browser APIs are you working with lately?
- 05:41 How do you know which browser supports which API?
- 08:29 Sponsor: Narwhal
- 09:09 What code do you write to ensure API support?
- 10:38 What is a polyfill?
- 15:03 How do the APIs get used on mobile development?
- 17:23 How would you categorize APIs?
- 22:44 How could someone use broadcast channel API?
- 25:25 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 27:36 Media APIs
- 34:03 Devices API
- 38:36 Data management APIs
- 43:07 Final thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.