Episode 40: User Experience, Developer Tooling, and RxJS - Randall Koutnik
Randall Koutnik joins us to talk about building tools for developers and how to differentiate between user experience and developer user experience.
Recording date: 2019-06-20
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Randall Koutnik @RKoutnik
- Build Reactive Websites with RxJS
- Atlas Stack Language
- Reverse Polish Notation
- VS Code and Docker
- Peacock for VS Code
- Open close principle
- RxJS
- React
- Switchmap operator
- Angular JS
- Rx marbles
- Redux
- Redux observable
Someone to follow
- 02:32 Guest introduction
- 05:14 What are your proud of buildiing for developer tooling?
- 10:42 User experience vs developer user experience
- 13:46 Sponsor: Nrwl
- 14:21 How do you target developer tooling?
- 18:57 Build Reactive Websites with RXJS
- 22:54 What gets simpler?
- 30:28 Marble charts
- 32:18 Sponsor: Clubhouse.io
- 32:39 Ward's deep thought
- 45:14 How would you recommend folks get started?
- 46:06 Someone to follow