Episode 47: Will Web Components Replace Frameworks - Sherry List

Web Rush

Sherry List joins John and Ward to talk about whether web components will replace frameworks and also offers some suggestions of ways to help with non-profits.

Recording date: 2019-07-30

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Sherry List @Sherrrylst



  • 00:52 Topic introduction
  • 02:24 Guest intro
  • 05:35 What are you hear about web components these days?
  • 06:44 What is a web component?
  • 10:23 Sponsor: DevIntersection
  • 11:34 What's your experience creating web components?
  • 21:50 What would you build with web component?
  • 31:58 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
  • 33:08 Will web components replace frameworks?
  • 42:37 Working with non-profits
  • 46:42 Web component tip

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